Bio Rigenera Pet ® Healing Device

Healing Gel

Bio Rigenera Pet ® Healing Device

BIO-RIGENERA PET® Healing Device Aut.818/1/2016 NEBIH

Lipogel biorigenerante and bioriparatore,gel with plant stem cells and essential oils strongly stimulates tissue regeneration by rapid healing wounds and thus a drastic reduction in healing time.

Bio Rigenera Pet is a plant-based herbal product containing gardenia plant stem cells. It combines several active ingredients with healing properties and antiseptic components. The various herbal components form an exceptional complex; St. John’s wort and grapefruit seeds guarantee a rapid recovery of the epithelial tissue. The presence of Oleolito Hipericum makes this herbal remedy an excellent product from low to medium-sized lesions.
Hypericum perforatum extracted within vegetal oil (such as sunflower oil) promotes the cicatrization of wounds and acts as a local disinfectant (due to its antiseptic properties which improve a micro-environment). St John’s Wort stands out from all the anthraquinones present in the hypericum plant complex as it is particularly efficient in decreasing inflammation, resulting in pain relief. Hyperforin and its natural antibiotical properties can help avoid local antibiotic therapy in many cases and significantly shorten systemic antibiotic therapy in favour of a more natural remedy.
Additionally, the grapefruit seed extracts (citrus x paradisi), the flavonoids and terpenes act as powerful disinfectants and antiseptics against fungus, bacteria and parasites. The remaining essential oils that complete the product’s formula accelerate its performance and ensure its efficacy, making it the only one of its kind.

Biostamina KFT,is the owner the patent invention Tissut Regeneration and Bone Matrix Composition

Bio Rigenera Pet ® Healing Device

Regenerating and Healing gel with plant stem cells

Bio-Rogenera Pet, is a multi-functional healing device, indicated in the cases here requires a fast healing. Acts as a strong scarring in all wounds of difficult healing,halving the time for the recovery of the animal, indicate for all small and large animals (including horses)

Ingredients: Anhydrous and concentrated natural phytotherapy product made up of 100% of medicinal herb extracts derived from controlled crops of Mediterranean origin.

Indications: Topical gel for superficial skin wounds and burns. • Stimulates the reparation of animal skin in all cases of external lesions by favouring the re-epithelialization of a wound to the point of recovery. • Facilitates healing in post-surgery recovery and decubitus ulcers, even in diabetic animals. • Indicated for dermatitis, psoriasis, skin irritation and significant manifestations of it such as redness and skin abrasions. • Treats insect bites or itchy skin abrasions, dental lesions, sores from licking, ulcerations and pyodermas. • Non-toxic ingestion; may be applied on traumatic, post-surgical oral cavity lesions and ulcerous lesions of the mucous membranes such as the mouth, gums, anus and into the ear.

Properties: Protective, scar-forming gel with plant stem cells and essential plant oils. It produces significant healing by combining a variety of oil-derived active ingredients, containing antiseptic and regenerative components, with the cytoprotective phenomenon of gardenia stem cells to promote the healthy regeneration of wounds while simultaneously limiting the risk of bacterial infections. The topical application allows for the optimization of on-site therapeutic activity to reduce systemic side effects.

Information on wounds: Wounds alter the function of our skin barrier defences. Not only do they provide an entry for bacteria and other pathogens, but they also represent a potential deposit site for flies whose larvae can endanger the animal’s health. However, the product contains insect-repelling properties as well. The cleaning and timely start of a proper healing mechanism are fundamental to ensure the restoration of cutaneous integrity, to avoid the formation of necrotic (dead) tissue and to avoid the extension and gravity of the lesion. Veterinary supervision is recommended.

Directions for use: Apply the product on the affected part after disinfecting and cleaning the area. Apply twice a day until the wound has fully healed.

Important: Biorigenera is a natural phytotherapeutic product does not contain cortisone,zinc or mercury, accordingly it is not toxic to ingestion.

Biorigenera Pet is indicated for all lesions,calms the pain and acts as a disinfectant. Hyperic acid phytochemistry, especially hypericin, acts by decreasing inflammation resulting in pain relief, while hyperforin is considered a natural antibiotic, performs a potent healing action,with rapid wound healing, while as the same time reducing the risk of bacterial infections leads to the battery action while the various components contained within the product act as a repellent against the MIASI by avoiding insects the migration of insect larvae.

The only healing device in the world for the treatment of wounds in water. Biorigenera Pet lasts for a long time in contact with the water, favoring the rapid wound healing.

This product has passed scientific testing performed by “ANTROPOS”

BIO-RIGENERA PET® Healing Device Aut.818/1/2016 NEBIH